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Incorrect number of days remaining. How can this be?

  • 23 July 2022
  • 2 replies

I have the 15 days in 2 months pass. I have used 3 of those days but the app says I have only 8 days left. How can this be??

If you have added any future journeys to your pass, then that will activate travel days and under My Pass, these travel days will be deducted from the total.

The advice however is never to activate travel days in advance, because you never know what will happen.

The best is to go to My Pass and cancel all future travel days. Only activate them (use the yellow switch in My Trip) on the day you are travelling, just before you board the first train of the day.

Hi @Hotruma 

This is indeed very strange. Pleas check both sections “MyTrip” and “MyPass” and verify they match on the information. Please contact customer service if you are still experiencing any issues. 

Have a lovely day!
