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Hi interrail community,

I am a first time interrail user and just wanted to add my outpbound journey from Munich to padborg to the railplaner App to my global Pass. (I am a German resident)

Unfortunately it does not work as the app states that all journeys are already taken (but it also shows outbound/inbound:  0/2 used).

For test reasons I tried the same with a travel from Munich to  Poland and Munich to Paris, same here: both all  journeys taken.

All journeys I tried where within one traveling day.

even more crazy: when I try Munich to Verona: it works and shows me that I have to take one outbound journey here.


All mal connections outside Germany could be booked using the railplaner app without any problem.

I have zero idea what I could have done wrong, might is be a temporary error of the booking system?

What are you ideas /experiences?

Thanks Wolf









First restart the app and your phone.


If you can add some screen shots of your Trip and the journeys you have entered it will be easier to give advice. Remove all personal information in the screen shots. 

Many thanks for your quick reply, I added screenshots



Im my god, I set a wrong first traveling  day (August 8 instead of 5) when I activated the pass, now it is working. The error massage here is a bit confusing. Stupid failure of a first time interrail user 
