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Dear Interrail Support Team,

I again have another issue with the confirmation E-mail that I should have reveived after I payed for my ticket. It’s now the second time already that I payed for my ticket but I havent received any E-Mail yet with my Pass Number. I’ve already had to postpone my departure because without the E-Mail with the Pass Number I wasnt able to add the mobile pass to my phone.

I already contacted the Support once and they told me to refund the ticket where I lost 40 Euros but now that it happened twice already I demand that they send me my Pass number with which I can finally start my travels.

I’ve also already tried to login into my account and resent the Confirmation E-Mail but I haven’t received my Pass Information yet.

I will contact the Support Team again because I dont wanna waste anymore of my time and I hope the

issue resolves itself but I want to ask you guys what can I do now. Btw I refuse to cancell the order just to order it again because I´ve already lost 40 Euros the first time the Support Team told me to cancell the order.

Thanks in advance for your help.

Minh-Duc Trinh

This is not the support team, this is a forum with other normal users.

Have you ever received mail from

Have you checked that the e-mail address in your account is correct?

Have you checked your spam mailbox?

Cancelling your order will not help if the issue is receiving email. Unless you buy a paper Interrail from the DB ticket office instead.

Hi Minh-Duc, you can reach our customer service, they will help you to resolve this issue. I hope that helps. Best,
