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Hey everyone

So I activated my pass on my phone but some days later my phone broke and the shop sent it to the factory. The owner off the shop gave me a new phone and I tried to do activate my pass again on my new device but then it said: “your pass already activaded on another device”. what do i have to do? 

I travel from Belgium to Sweden on the fifth of july.

Thank for the help

Only option for you is to get in Contact with the support team :/ or by Facebook or Twitter :/

@Nanja a bit urgent as the trip starts at 5th July

Only option for you is to get in Contact with the support team :/ or by Facebook or Twitter :/

@Nanja a bit urgent as the trip starts at 5th July

yeah i did all of it, so hopefully they will response, but its anoying that interrail hasn’t got a telephonenumber. 

If they wont reply i go to sweden en when i get checked i show my interrail pass purchase with my passnumber and with the notification on the app that my interrail pass is already activated on another device, and i travell in a group of 30 so when they see that all of the 29 persons are correct hopefully they will have some remorse

A telephonenumber is not always the answer as then everyone would use it and you wait hours in the holding :)

Because of such troubles i still prefer the paperpass 🙂 (a bit old fashioned :D) and you have after your journey something as souvenir

H, apologies for the delay in response. In these cases, our Customer Support team needs to un-register the Pass from the device you are connected to. They then re-send the mobile pass confirmation email with instructions for connecting the Pass again, to your new device. They have done that for you so you should be able to have it connected to your new device. Enjoy the rest of your trip! :relaxed:
