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Buenas tardes,

Mi intención y la del equipo con el que trabajo, es la realización de un interrail para personas con discapacidad con el fin de que estas vivan nuevas experiencias, eliminando barreras existentes que limitan la participación de estas en la sociedad.

Me gustaría saber si existen ayudas o descuentos para personas con discapacidad y/o grupos, ya que la idea es realizarlo en grupo.


Muchas gracias y un saludo!!

No-the pass as such is cheap enough-there are discounts for ju/senior and sometimes there are special offer weeks with 10 % off-and no money back if not used. It varies an enormous lot if handicapped people get discounts on transit -or not. Mostly not in fact and if yes, most often only for very local necessary trips. But f.e in my country and surrounding they get enough allowance from the state to make that not needed.

Handicapped people above a certain degree can get an additional free pass for a caretaker who helps them during the trip-most often the same rule already applies to them in their home country. THIs AFAIK ONLY applies IN the EU-the countries out of EU set their own rules.

In fact-most likely there is some association/society or the like in your country for people in that situation-these will be far better equipped and knowledgeable about all these matters.
