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Dear Interrail Team,


I need your help. I am a single mother from Turkey, Istanbul. I was planning to introduce European culture and history to my kids this summer. Therefore two days ago I purchased one month long global passes during flash sale. However the day after my purchase I had an accident and I multifractured my ankle. I had an operation and I am in cast now. The doctors tell me that it is impossible for me to heal completely until July when I was planning to use the passes . I will not be back to work even in August.


I know that passes are usable for 11 months. However  I am teaching literature in high school. This coming July is the only time I can travel. As I am a single parent I don't have anyone else who can take my kids instead of me either.


Even though I am aware that these passes are unrefundable, I am asking for an exception because of my extraordinary circumstance. I would be extremely thankful if I am allowed to return these passes and get refunded.

Thanks for your time and attention. 



Moderator note: personal information has been deleted for privacy reasons. 

Thisis not the customer service this is the  traveler community with few Eurail supervisors i recommend to open a  case via the service form below
