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Sweden to Copenhagen. What pass to choose?

I am booking a trip for 5 people.  We are flying into Stockholm and we fly out of Copenhagen.  We will be visiting several cities in Sweden before ending up in Copenhagen.  I am a bit confused on the type of pass to purchase.  We plan to go from Stockholm to Gotenburg to Malmo to Copenhagen spending a few days in each city.  What do you suggest?

  • Railmaster
  • May 5, 2022

Check if a pass + reservations really worth it.

Especially on the Route Stockholm - Gotenburg you have 3 different railcompanies can the tickets are quite cheap :)

Reservation in sweden are needed for the Nighttrains and their Snabbtaget (the Highspeed railservice)

  • Railly clever
  • May 5, 2022

I agree with @seewulf that it most likely will be cheaper just to buy the tickets and no pass if those are the only journeys you will make. Not all of the rail companies on the route Stockholm - Gothenburg accept Eurrail/Interrail.

The pricing of tickets in Sweden is not fixed so the earlier you buy your ticket, the lower the price will be. 

When will you be coming to Sweden?



  • Full steam ahead
  • May 6, 2022

For M→ Kobenhvn buy when there-in advance means youre tied to the few X2000 fast trains coming from STO. There are also fairly affordable 2-3 day local tickets that include all transit in Skane=south Sweden and 1 trip via DK (and come back via ferry-just skip that.(name is Oresundt rundt).

IF you have time and like that and are not overburdened with loads of lugguages: perhaps better to stay somewhere else as in Malmö, perhaps Lund or Hälsingborg, Form Häl there are still the ferries ev 15/20 mins to Elsinore/DK opposite (also included in that pass) then take the nice ride with S-bane DSB along coast to/via CPH-city to airport (these trains then go via tunnelbridge to Malmö)
