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Dear Interrail team,

Some weeks ago I booked an Interrail 3-month pass via your website during the "50 years" promo. Unfortunately, I made a mistake while filling out the form and booked the pass with the wrong country of residence. I am from Turkey and my permanent residence is in Turkey too. When booking the pass I chose Germany by mistake. Could you please change my country to Turkey as soon as possible? I want to use my ticket in a few days. I can also send you my passport information if needed.
Thanks a lot already!


You need to contact Customer Support to get help with your problem. Use this form to contact them and write clearly that you will be travelling in a few days and that you need immediate help.

Unfortunately we can't update your country of residence after you've purchased the Pass. This can only be done by ordering a new Pass with the correct country of residence and requesting a refund for your old Pass (a Pass exchange).
