I paid and reserved a seat for the trneo tgv on Sunday 21/8 from paris to milan. when I go to load the ticket on my trip I get an error screen and to contact the assistance
I noticed that in the train ticket there was a typo in the surname, could this be the cause of the problem?
Best answer by Claudi.
The simplest solution here is to double check whether you have the latest version of the app. If the issue persists a simple trick that often works is - push app to background (not closing it, just pressing the 'home' button) and then switch back to the app (it will force the app to load the QR again). If you're still having the same issue, then please reach out to our customer service team via customerservice@interrail.eu or pop us a DM on Twitter so that we can look into it. To speed these up, it would be helpful if you can include a screen shot/screen recording of the issue, along with your pass number. You can also enable app error logging in the settings and send us the DeviceID.
The simplest solution here is to double check whether you have the latest version of the app. If the issue persists a simple trick that often works is - push app to background (not closing it, just pressing the 'home' button) and then switch back to the app (it will force the app to load the QR again). If you're still having the same issue, then please reach out to our customer service team via customerservice@interrail.eu or pop us a DM on Twitter so that we can look into it. To speed these up, it would be helpful if you can include a screen shot/screen recording of the issue, along with your pass number. You can also enable app error logging in the settings and send us the DeviceID.