Hi there,
I’ve been checking out buses departing from Thessaloniki to Skopje and on the Balkanviator website I found 3 buses daily.
However, I could not find any more information about which bus station these would be departing from, I did try contacting the bus companies via email, but as expected didn’t hear back.
Does anyone know which bus station(s) these would likely be departing from?
Thank you, yes there is a KTEL Makedonias bus station. I’ll go for that one!
In about ANY GR town there is just 1 real busSTATion, always run by the KTEL. There may be (I did not check) also some other STOPs=just a halt along the highway, maybe even a road-restrt, where people may board/alight. It seems best to always aim for the real one. Quite often the BUS st is far more modern, lavish and has facilities as the Train st. is.
I have been so long ago in THess that I cannot remember anymore how far apart train/bus are/were-big chance it has changed since then anyway.
I mostly use to my satisfaction googlemaps (some prefer openstreetmaps) and this has always shown me the way.
And just a warning: fair chance that the site you link is out of date-just use google and use any of the 10+ overall bus sites that will appear. Try to use the real buscomp. they show inbstead of booking via them-always best to cut out the middleman.