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Do you have destination tips?

Hello there, I am going on a trip in August in the UK with a friend. We are trying to plan our trip now, but we are kinda stuck. We are not sure if we should just do a daytrip to Glasgow or if we should spend at least one night there. If somebody can give us an advice that would be amazing. Our goal this summer is too see as much as we can and have a good time. We are the kind of people that enjoy strolling through an old town, visiting libraries or  café‘s. Is Glasgow the right fit?

If you have another idea of a place or a destination that amazed you I‘ld love to hear about it.

Thank you very much in advance!

2 replies

  • Full steam ahead
  • 3893 replies
  • May 31, 2022

No, forget/vergiss Glas then. Ugly industrial neglected city (sorry for the few Glaswegians here reading it).

IF you really want Scotland, then all the tourists go Edinburgh for that.

North of ENGland has many more of such ´quaint´towns, Like York, Harrogate, Chester, Lincoln, spring to my mind.

Or-Schwyzerly certainly stil know that- a BOOK, Reiseführer-kann mann ja im Stadtbücherie für janz billig auslehen, will have more suggestions.

Railly clever

But the public transport museum in Glasgow is nice, and free :)
