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Hi everyone, 

We have a week in Portugal (Carvoeiro) booked in August and I’ve got a global pass to get down there and back again - there are 3 of us; me, my husband and my 11 year old son. I was thinking Paris - Barcelona - Seville and then bus along the south coast to Carvoeiro. But starting to think that Seville in August might be a bad idea heat-wise, and actually I’d really like to visit some of the northern cities like Bilbao and Santander.

I was just wondering if someone had any experience and advice of a route we could take - I’d quite like to spend 2 or 3 nights in each city if possible, and then take a different, possibly more direct, route home. 

Any advice about good routes would be really welcome; we’re very open to sleeper trains and happy to pay seat reservations for high speed trains. 

Many thanks everyone!

Sure, I'll start by mentioning the incredible Seat61 website:

Since you seem torn between the Basque country and Sevilla/Barcelona, why not do one each way. :)

I guess I'd start with Northern Spain since the return is faster with more high-speed trains.

Timetables for August won't be published for a loooong time but you can check the current times and there shouldn't be much change. Actually I'm also planning a Portugal trip in July.

Bordeaux, Hendaye or probably even San Sebastian should be reachable in a day from your hometown (unless you live in the North perhaps). The Euskotren from Hendaye isn't included in Interrail but only costs 3-4€ per person.

Alternatively get to Paris during the day, have dinner there and board a night train to Tarbes or Hendaye. I'm not sure it runs daily. You'll have to share the couchette compartment.

(No night trains in Spain and Portugal sadly.)

There's a metric gauge railway along the coast between Bilbao and Santander, even further to Ferrol. It is extremely slow but I've heard views are nice. Still debating whether I include it or not on my trip.

Fastest is usually via Madrid and to spend the night in Vigo. Following day Vigo - Porto - Faro/destination.

For the return something like:

- Day 1: bus Portugal - Sevilla

- Day 2: Sevilla - Barcelona direct AVE (6h)

- Day 3: Barcelona - Paris direct TGV (6h30-7h)

- Day 4: Paris - home

I mean Sevilla will be really hot guaranteed so stay calm during the day and visit after sunset. ;)

Thanks so much for your reply! Really helpful :-) 

We’re north of Leeds so will probably stay in Paris, or go for a night train. But thanks - lots of useful tips. 
