Nous habitons Nantes et partons avec le pass global cet été en Suisse et en Italie.
Je ne suis pas sur de mon voyage retour.
Nous souhaitons prendre un train de nuit NICE PARIS, puis faire Paris Nantes.
Devons nous absolument partir d’un pays frontalier (Italie) le jour du départ de notre train de Nuit ? pour valider un “retour” sur notre pays de résidence?
Merci pour votre avis..
Aline & Cie
Best answer by Claudi.
You can use your Interrail Global Pass in your own country during two travel days of your choice for one outbound trip (leaving your own country) and one inbound trip (entering your own country).
You can take as many trains as necessary to complete these journeys, but you are not allowed to make any extra trips within your own country. You can also use them in the order you prefer (that is, you may use the inbound trip before using the outbound one if that better suits your travel plans). You can read this page for more details
NO-but on a pass this is NOT possible-you can only use 2 days in your own country and I guess 1 has been used for to go out of that hexagone. But you did not state that clearly. (Day 1: lve Nice, day 2: TGV to Natnes)
These tips OUT and IN can also be sued to go to aiprot or seaport, and Nice has the 2nd airp of la douce france (maintenant pas de gréves?)
NO-but on a pass this is NOT possible-you can only use 2 days in your own country and I guess 1 has been used for to go out of that hexagone. But you did not state that clearly. (Day 1: lve Nice, day 2: TGV to Natnes)
This is not true. It can be possible with the night train to use 1 travel day on the return trip if you board the train in Paris before midnight there will be no new travel day used after midnight.
@Aline Blot Can you please write the travel details (departure time and route) of the trains that you want to take in France and to/from France. The you will get a correct answer.
Dans les FAQ j’ai vu la réponse pour les trains de nuit et le décompte des jours mais je ne sais pas si j’ai le droit de prendre un train de nuit avec un départ dans mon pays de résidence??
voici le détail.
Départ le 26 juillet Nantes - Khel - OUT
Retour idéalement le 8 aout NIce- Paris en train de nuit (départ 19h16 arrivée à 7h55 Paris) - IN
OU je peux aussi partir de la frontière Italienne Vintimille à 17h22 - Nice 18h23 puis train de Nuit si je dois absolument partir d’un autre pays que le mien pour valider mon IN
Vous me confirmer donc que j ai donc le droit de faire Nice Paris le 8 août en voyage retour et que je ne suis pas obligé de partir d Italie pour valider ce voyage.
You can use your Interrail Global Pass in your own country during two travel days of your choice for one outbound trip (leaving your own country) and one inbound trip (entering your own country).
You can take as many trains as necessary to complete these journeys, but you are not allowed to make any extra trips within your own country. You can also use them in the order you prefer (that is, you may use the inbound trip before using the outbound one if that better suits your travel plans). You can read this page for more details