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Reserving on Italian Night trains

Hi all

Me and my partner have second class 1 month  mobile passes. We understand there is a reservation fee on many trains. We also understand there can be a supplement on night trains if we want a couchette, or even a compartment for just the 2 of us.


So...trying to book TORINO PORTA NUOVA (Italy) 09:55 PM INI 799 INTERCITYNOTTE to Napoli for 28th March , I come up with a $16AUD booking fee for a seat (ok sure, but I want a bed so I'll pay extra)...or $310.40 for 'couchetta c4 comfort per 1 passegero - compartimento intero'.


Those are my only 2 options


Even if that option means 1x 4 couchette compartment all to myself AND another 1x 4 couchette compartment all for my partner then

a) WHY? Why is that the only choice we get? Seems like we get to have 2 seats between us for $16 or a total of 8 individual couchettes for $310???

b) Why so expensive when I can book the same train on trenitalia  WITHOUT A PASS but with beds for roughly $190?

I have read about some rules which mean people have to have a compartment all to themselves? If this is true then my partner (who I share a bed with at home!) would have to book an entire separate cabin? (But it seems its only self service enforces this)?

Could someone explain to me how I can book a couchette/bed on an Italian night train for my partner and me, and use the $2000 we have spent on Eurail passes to make this cheaper, not more expensive!





  • Full steam ahead
  • February 26, 2022


In Italy, due to Covid, you can only book a whole couchette for yourself. If you travel with someone else, you can book with two people, but you can't book a couchette with some other travelleres you don't know.

In addition, InterCityNotte-Reservations are more expensive than the normal ticket. I suggest to by 3-4 days in advance, so you can get cheap prices 

  • Rail rookie
  • February 26, 2022

Thanks Womble -it confirmed what I suspected but I still dont understand how the system will let me book with someone else (whose eurail pass I bought at the same time as mine..).I mean both of our names appear on the system to make the booking so it seems like the system ‘knows’ we are together...but still seems to be allocating a 4-berth couchette for each of us separately.

I hope that makes sense!



  • Railmaster
  • February 26, 2022

The couchette compartment (C4) should be 95 EUR (+2 EUR fee) in total. 

I can't test booking for 2 persons but the price you're getting sounds incorrect indeed.

@Nanja, is there a problem with booking Italian night trains for multiple people?

  • Retired Community Manager
  • February 28, 2022

Hi Scott and rvdborgt, I've just passed it on to our reservation specialist to check. I will get back to you on this topic as soon as possible. Cheers, 

  • Retired Community Manager
  • March 28, 2022

Hi both, the topic has been discussed with our developer team. At the moment we are not able to use the other price group (whole couchette for 2 persons), because the logic is built to ask the price group per person. At this moment, it is not possible to change it, because it requires quite a change in the current implementation (as the whole logic would have to be changed). Due to other priorities, we have to put this topic on hold for now, unfortunately. If anything changes, I'’ll let you know. 

  • Railmaster
  • March 28, 2022

Maybe you could show a warning for now? If you're booking for 2 persons, you don't expect to be offered 2 private compartments.

  • Rail rookie
  • May 16, 2022
Nanja wrote:

Hi both, the topic has been discussed with our developer team. At the moment we are not able to use the other price group (whole couchette for 2 persons), because the logic is built to ask the price group per person. At this moment, it is not possible to change it, because it requires quite a change in the current implementation (as the whole logic would have to be changed). Due to other priorities, we have to put this topic on hold for now, unfortunately. If anything changes, I'’ll let you know. 

Hello. I am encountering the same problem as the OP above—trying to book an Intercity Notte from Napoli to Siracusa for my partner and myself, not offered an option other than “Cuccetta C4 Comfort per 1 passeggero - Compartimento intero (2° classe).” Are you able to offer the other price groups yet (either Cuccetta Comfort Doppia - Uso esclusivo OR Vagone Letto Deluxe - Doppia Cabina Intera)? And if not, how do you suggest I purchase reservations for a whole couchette or sleeper for 2 people?

Thank you very much for your help. 


  • Full steam ahead
  • May 16, 2022

Buy the ticket yourself without Interrail. If you buy a cuple of days in advance, the ticket will not cost you as much 


  • Rail rookie
  • May 16, 2022
Womble wrote:

Buy the ticket yourself without Interrail. If you buy a cuple of days in advance, the ticket will not cost you as much 


Thanks. How much would buying a ticket a couple days in advance cost? 

  • Full steam ahead
  • May 16, 2022

The prices you can find at
