here is my project: I want to buy 5-day global pass for my 14-year-old son and me.
we are leaving france and arriving by plane in stockholm on 3/7/23.
our first trip will be by talink ferry between sweden and latvia
the second between riga and warsaw poland
the third between warsaw and vienna austria
the fourth between vienna and venice italy
the fifth and last for the return to france in montpellier
so that makes 6 stages, 5 trips, the last of which as a inbound trip to the country of residence.
on eurail website, when I add the last return trip, the price goes from 519 to 616 euros, that is the price of a 7-day pass, while I have planned 5 trips, one by ferry and 4 by train.
second question: we can take as many trains as we want between midnight and midnight.
can you confirm that taking a night train around 10:00 p.m. to arrive in the morning counts as one day on the pass?