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Help with itinerary with eurail global pass

Hi! I am traveling to Europe 20th January (Rome) to 26th February (Rome). My itinerary is Rome, Florence, Barcelona, Madrid, Paris, Londres, Amsterdam, Berlín, Praga, Venecia and Roma. Is it possible in train only? I have been looking other options but I'm more inclined to use the Eurail Global pass. 

  • Railly clever
  • October 16, 2022


It is indeed possible. But be aware that Spain is quite an Interrail-unfriendly country; there are ways to get hold of the reservations you need (

), but they may not be the most straightforward or the best value. I should probably also point out that long-distance rail service on the western Mediterranean coast (anything between Pisa and Barcelona really) can be quite patchy, so I’m not sure Florence to Barcelona would be possible without a stop in between. There are quite a few very expensive cross-border trains which would be the fastest option on this kind of itinerary, so having a quick read of this guide and similar ones out there (some of them on this forum) could potentially save you quite a bit of money, particularly if you’re willing to travel at a slightly gentler pace.

  • Full steam ahead
  • October 17, 2022

Some sectors you mention (I assume you do not intend to make stops in between then) are quite far and not that easy by train-plus they often also incur fairly high surcharges for the RES). As this is still quite some time to come-most will not even yet be possible to RES by now- and if you are not married with trains look into cheap flites (if you do not have an overdose of luggages to carry-this will cost extra).

Firenze-Barca, Mad-Par, perhaps Prahy-Vnz are for that.

Cheap low-cost airlis in EUR are RYANair (cheapest, also worst-DO read very carefully the many remarks about this rather peculiair airline), EasyJet, Vueling, WIZZair. or just use google-flites,.

IF you have not yet booked a airticket Chile-EUR-ask a well-known tr-agent on how to add several sectors on the main airline as this may work out also a lot cheaper.
