Goodevening to everyone,
I’ve decided to open a new thread after reading several other ones.
I’m going to have a little trip starting from Italy and going to Istanbul and return this Summer.
The problem is, finding reservation for nightrains from Budapest to Bucarest is impossible via Eurail website/app: sometimes they’re not available, sometimes they are but they are paper ones and it takes too long to be delivered.
A similar thing happens when I have to book seats for Bucarest-Istanbul night train: no seats available, or I have to make reservations but there isn’t any prompt to proceed to do so.
I’ve read that is almost always better to make reservations not using Eurail app.
My questions are:
- Why is the app not functioning? Are the seats likely sold out or is an internal issue?
- For a future journey: should I book seats MUCH more in advance?
- I can reserve tickets online using railways websites, I know, but are they more expensive than the ones I could (not in this case, obviously) reserve using the website/app?
- If I go to a railway station in, let’s say, Budapest, can I book seats there? Are there any discounts for passholders? Here I say Budapest but the question is the same for the other tickets aswell.
I would like to add that I’ve read the guide made by seawulf, finding it useful, but I couldn’t find answers to the questions above.
My trip details are:
12 Jul (night) from Budapest to Bucarest
14 Jul (night) from Bucarest to Istanbul
After that I will stay a few days in Istanbul, then going to Beograd or Sofia, haven’t decided yet. That’s why I’m asking: I would like to know how to book correctly without having to come here and ask to you everytime (I thank you in advance for that).
Thanks in advance for your replies!