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Train that doesn't appear on the application but on the website


Hello everybody,


I am facing some kind of issue. I am looking for a train that link two cities from two different countries and the website show me that this is possible by train but this train doesn’t appear on the application. I don’t know which one I have to trust lol. 

I tried to get the train company name but it doesn’t appear on the website, just a reference is written or something like “international” or “regional” 

Did you face that kind of problem ? How to be sure that such train exists (without taking the risk of going directly in the trainstation without being sure of the existence of such train)


Thank you very much

All the best,



2 replies

Full steam ahead
  • Full steam ahead
  • 68 replies
  • June 28, 2021

Hey there, Freyazz! If you want to be really sure, you can always check the websites of the national railway companies. To my knowledge, both the website and the app should use the same database, but it could be possible that one of them had not been updated yet.

What route are you looking at? This way we could help you to answer your question more specifically.


  • Railmaster
  • 10503 replies
  • June 28, 2021
Mattheas wrote:

Hey there, Freyazz! If you want to be really sure, you can always check the websites of the national railway companies. To my knowledge, both the website and the app should use the same database, but it could be possible that one of them had not been updated yet.

The databases are not the same. The rail planner app is missing lots of trains that often are available in the national timetables.

The bottom line is that the rail planner app can't be relied on but it's better than nothing if you want to have a planner available if you don't have (good) internet access.
