My friend and I both bought a 2-months Global Pass. We are going to travel together for 45 days, then she will depart to her home country, and I will continue to use the Pass for remaining 15 days.
I am going to put both Passes on to my iPhone, as she doesn’t use a mobile device.
My question is: Would my Pass still working as normal, after she left? Would I get into any problems, as I have two Passes on my device, but only one person travel, after she left?
Best answer by Yorkie
Just to expand on the previous answer - each pass is totally independent, simply on the same device. The users can travel together but since each has a separate trip you can travel separately at any time as long as the traveller has the device and shows their pass/QR code.
You cannot for example create a travel day and QR code, take a screenshot and send to a separate device - only the QR code shown from the app is a valid ticket.
Thanks thibcabe! If that is the only problem, that’s OK. She won’t travel without me anyway, as she can’t speak English or German or any European languages.
Just to expand on the previous answer - each pass is totally independent, simply on the same device. The users can travel together but since each has a separate trip you can travel separately at any time as long as the traveller has the device and shows their pass/QR code.
You cannot for example create a travel day and QR code, take a screenshot and send to a separate device - only the QR code shown from the app is a valid ticket.