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Mobile Pass how it works

  • February 27, 2024
  • 4 replies

Knowing all the issues now I feel like I should have gone with the paper pass but here we go..

I watched the tutorial and some others video but they don't explain everything.

Having a 2 month Mobile pass does it start counting the days from the moment of the activation or from the first day of travel?

What are the conditions that make you consume a travel day? Since I will do a lot of start and stop do I need to deactivate some how the pass to not lose travel days?

Do I need to create a QR code for each movement like: if I take 5 trains in a day do I need to add all of them in my trip then generate a qr for each? and if a train is canceled can I undo the qr creation?

Can't I just insert the start and stop of the day?

What are the steps that I need to do before start traveling during my travel days?

Does it support Offline mode? There's a solution to provide assistance in situations with no internet?

Does exist somewhere a Mobile pass simulator where you can test the usage before the departure?

It I have a problem with the pass, is there a no change number that I can call?

Suggestion on how to got on my reserved trains if I encounter a malfunction?

  • Full steam ahead
  • February 27, 2024

First thing is which pass:

A 2 month continuous pass is valid for all days for 2 months from the 1st day of use, for example 12 June to 11 August.

A 10 day or 15 day in 2 month pass you have the same overall 2 month period but you decide which 10 or 15 days you use the pass for.

To use either you add as many trains as you wish to your trip, you then activate each individually. The first activation for any day generates the ticket for that day. The QR code remains the same for that day but the text part of the ticket lists all trains you have active for that day.

You can activate and deactivate trains as you please, the app will allow unlimited changes. The only restriction is there cannot be any time overlap, if it will not allow activation because of this you can deactivate the overlapping train and activate the new one.

You must make sure that the train you are on at any point is activated as some ticket checkers will specifically look for this.


The app is designed to work offline, it requires a connection every 2 days to keep it alive, if that time passes it will ask for a connection before it fully works again. It also needs to be online when a day is first activated but once active you can have your phone offline for all your travelling and use it fully.

There is no simulator, this is something that would be useful though.

There is no phone support, this forum where you will mainly hear from experienced users and the Eurail staff helpdesk at are the best support avenues.


As you are in the EU you should have a decent roaming data package on your phone plan for all of EU (this is a legal right for all EU networks) and possibly other European countries such as UK and Switzerland which some networks also offer, check your provider.

  • Railmaster
  • February 27, 2024

The app needs internet:

  1. to activate the pass (only once).
  2. to activate a travel day (normally when you add the first train of the day to your pass).
  3. to generate the QR code (when you tap on "Show ticket” for the first time that day).
  4. at least once every 72 hours.

On any travel day, after you've done 2. and 3., you don't need internet anymore.

  • Railly clever
  • February 27, 2024

When you activate the pass, you select the start day of the validity. Until midnight CET the day before the start day of the validity, you can deactivate the pass. The advice from the experienced travellers is to wait with activating the pass until just before boarding the first train of your travel.

If you want to check how it works you can activate the pass with a start date of the validity well in the future. Then you can test how to activate a travel day and generate the QR code. Once you have done your test you must deactivate the travel day and then deactivate the pass. 

  • Right on track
  • February 27, 2024
Al_G wrote:

First thing is which pass:

A 2 month continuous pass is valid for all days for 2 months from the 1st day of use, for example 12 June to 11 August.

A 10 day or 15 day in 2 month pass you have the same overall 2 month period but you decide which 10 or 15 days you use the pass for.

To use either you add as many trains as you wish to your trip, you then activate each individually. The first activation for any day generates the ticket for that day. The QR code remains the same for that day but the text part of the ticket lists all trains you have active for that day.

You can activate and deactivate trains as you please, the app will allow unlimited changes. The only restriction is there cannot be any time overlap, if it will not allow activation because of this you can deactivate the overlapping train and activate the new one.

You must make sure that the train you are on at any point is activated as some ticket checkers will specifically look for this.


The app is designed to work offline, it requires a connection every 2 days to keep it alive, if that time passes it will ask for a connection before it fully works again. It also needs to be online when a day is first activated but once active you can have your phone offline for all your travelling and use it fully.

There is no simulator, this is something that would be useful though.

There is no phone support, this forum where you will mainly hear from experienced users and the Eurail staff helpdesk at are the best support avenues.


As you are in the EU you should have a decent roaming data package on your phone plan for all of EU (this is a legal right for all EU networks) and possibly other European countries such as UK and Switzerland which some networks also offer, check your provider.

I'm going to save this answer as "usage guide" 😎
