I understand that you can have 2 in/out journeys within the total range of the validity of hte pass. I have chosen to use those for the first of 3 journeys. I have Eurostar reservations for all 3 journeys. This is what the journeys look like in my pass. They are all part of my single over-arching totally comprehensive trip. Note that the 3rd journey doesn’t have the little yellow-orange thing lit up. I can’t make it light up because it keeps nagging me about the ‘in/out’ journey thing. I thought the in-out thing applied to my Leeds-StPancras bit, not the whole Eurostar thing. Since there’s an option everywhere to ‘add another journey’, am I right in thinking that the lack of the little yellow thing on the 3rd journey doesn’t matter?? Sorry to be obsessed, but the last thing I need is to turn up and have to buy a £200 Eurostar ticket!