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Railplanning; looking for safe camping spots with easy access to cities

  • February 7, 2022
  • 5 replies

Hi, I am traveling true Europe with my girlfriend. And we travel from Norway to Spain. We do not plan to stay in hotels and hostels. we are going to camp outside of the city’s. 

Where is the best and safest place to camp in this different city’s with easy access to the city’s.


Danemark (Copenhagen)

Germany (Hamburg)

Bulgaria (brussel)

France (Paris,Bordeaux)

Spain (Madrid,Gibraltar)


Please help us. I have done it one time before, but my girlfriend is sceptical about it. Last time I didn’t plan anything and just stayd at parks with my hammock, but I had some scary incident that we want to avoid this time. If you have some tips for what to bring it would be great😎🤠


Kind regards 

The Woodman

5 replies

  • Railly clever
  • 164 replies
  • February 8, 2022

It goes without saying that campsites in cities aren’t all that commonplace, and for those that do exist demand may be high because they are popular with families who take their cars on holiday - this will likely mean prices are a bit higher than what you might find in the countryside.

In France, the golden rule for finding good value campsites is to look for a ‘camping municipal’; that is, a basic, reasonably affordable campsite run as a public service by the local council. There is one that I’m aware of that fits this description in Paris, Camping la Haute Ile in Neuilly-sur-Marne (I know about this from planning a driving trip with friends a few years ago which didn’t quite come together in the end). It’s 5 mins from a bus stop or 2km from the nearest RER station.

  • Author
  • Rail rookie
  • 2 replies
  • February 8, 2022

Thanks eDM but I typed wrong over there😅

we do not want to pay anything for the camp site. we want to camp in the woods. That’s what I meant to say 🤪



  • Railmaster
  • 10549 replies
  • February 8, 2022
Woodman wrote:

we do not want to pay anything for the camp site. we want to camp in the woods. That’s what I meant to say 🤪

That's not always allowed. Do check the countries you intend to visit where you're allowed to camp.

Woodman wrote:

Bulgaria (brussel)

Brussels is not in Bulgaria… I suppose you mean Belgium? 

  • Author
  • Rail rookie
  • 2 replies
  • February 8, 2022

Yes thanks 

  • Full steam ahead
  • 3893 replies
  • February 8, 2022

Wild camping is not allowed in about all of west-EUR. Not just police but also criminals will think you are fine picking. Even if you get fined for doing it only once, you could have paid hostelbeds in all those towns instead.

BTW; BG=Bulgaria, BE=Belgium.

As you have a pass anyway the best way (IMHO=in my humble opinion) is to not leave train at main station in those giant cities, but take a slower local train that stops in smaller villages and get off there.

Other way to sleep for very little or even free: couchsurfing. This is basically helping poor other travellers to stay in your house/room, sleep on couch/ground/whatever. Seems to be quite populair among east_europeans.

A question like yours will not really get too much of tips in a forum like this-those who do answer regularly know most about trains and all things aorund that. Other forums (like the old but sadly now defunct lonelyplanet/thorntree) of like frugaltraveller seem better aimed at this.
