What trains do I have to add a journey and create a travel day in a mobile pass, so I can take Bernina Express? How do I know which trains in eurail planner, are from Bernina Express?
What trains do I have to add a journey and create a travel day so I can take Bernina Express?
Best answer by Yorkie
To answer your original question, you simply add the train you plan to travel on from your trip to your pass. It doesn’t matter whether it is a Bernina Express requiring reservation or a reservation free option. Resevations are always separate from your pass.
If you travel on any trains not included in the pass and Eurail offer a discount, and you do not travel on any trains using your pass that day, then you do not need to activate a travel day. You simply pay for your ticket and show your pass to claim the discount. There are several private railways in Switzerland doing this.
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