Aka "Story of the ghost train"
Wondering if someone had same misfortune like me and managed to get compensation from Interrail/Eurail…
What happened: on Nov 26th, Eurail sold reservations for night train from Zurich to Wien (40467) with departure 9.40pm. However it seems the train left at 8.40pm. There were 10-12 people with same issue like me at the railway station, was impossible of course to get any help as it was out of SBB responsibility
In my situation, consequences were financially huge as this was a connection in the middle of the trip and I had no choice but to spend night in Zurich and move my tomorrow schedule- today trip only is now more expensive than what I paid for the discounted pass during November seasonal offer
Interracial/Eurail: please fix this schedule and compensate people! I know Switzerland is famous for trains to be on time, but to have a train leaving one hour before the time printed on the ticket is surely something precedently unseen...