I am scratching my head to figure out the reservation system of RENFE trains, after some research I found out that this is an extremely complicated topic. Some questions that I’m not sure of:
1. Obligatory Reservation
As far as I understand, almost all trains in Spain require a reservation. The only exceptions are (a) suburb commuter service - aka Cercanias (or Rodalies in Catalunya) and (b) some regional trains - aka Media Distancia.
(a) Regarding Cercanias trains : While I know reservation is not needed (and not possible), I cannot find the connection on railplanner app. For example, I am looking at the C1 service from Alicante to Murcia. Can anyone confirm this is indeed reservation-free ?
(b) Regarding Media Distancia trains : These trains usally reqire seat reservations. Between touristy cities the only free connections I found are Barcelona - Valencia, Valencia - Alicante, Barcelona - Zaragoza - Marid. No luck finding one in Andalucia. I have the impression that the reservation-free MD trains are very scarce and slow. Does anyone have a comprehensive list of them ?
2. Reservation Fees.
The reservation fee listed on interrail website doesn’t match with the one shown in the railplanner app. For example, a Spanish EuroMed train should cost 6.5 EUR according to [1], however the railplanner app says it is 12 EUR [2]. Which one should I believe ?
[1] https://www.interrail.eu/en/book-reservations/reservation-fees/domestic-train-reservation-fees
[2] See the photo below.

3. Quota
Does anyone know if there is a quota for reserving Renfe trains ? I know french SNCF has a quota for interrail tickets, so even there are ticket available on SNCF website it’s still possible that you cannot reserve a seat reservation. Is this the case for Renfe trains as well?
I know that’s a lot of questions. Thanks for whoever have read this long text wall <3