I am planning with my wife to interrail from UK to Portugal with mobile passes to meet up with our daughter near Porto over Xmas. The route includes Paris – Madrid, overnighting in San Sebastian. The problem is San Sebastian to Madrid, probably on 20 Dec. In theory I should be able to buy a reservation in San Sebastian after arriving on 19 Dec BUT (given what I see on the Renfe site for booking the 9.02am Alvia on Friday) I don’t think I can place any reliance on the Dec train not being sold out.
It’s pretty important to all the other bookings I am likely to be making to be able to get this reservation – or the equivalent on the new Dec timetable.
That’s background, the questions are:
- As soon as Dec timetable info is available can I get a friend in Spain to go into GRANADA station and buy reservations valid for interrail for us? Are the reservations pieces of paper to be sent by post or can they be emailed?
- If that is not possible, and with fingers crossed given what I see for current bookings, is it right that if I call Renfe : +34 91 232 03 20 I will have to do that from UK or France on 16th, 17th or 18th December? To then pick up actual reservation in San Sebastian on 18th/19th? (This is my understanding of the advice on the Interrail reservations page.)
Thanks for any advice