Hey ! I plan to travel with Interrail in november and I would like to end my trip with Tallin (I would come from Stockholm) and Krakow before my return to Paris. I am totally flex about Krakow, I can change for Warsaw or even Vilnius if I can come back to Paris after. But I don’t find any connexions between those cities.
I know that there was no train but I read there is now one (here : https://www.lefigaro.fr/voyages/relier-la-france-aux-pays-baltes-en-train-c-est-desormais-possible-grace-a-cette-nouvelle-ligne-20231221) so my question is : is there really a train Tallinn-Krakow (or Tallinn-Warsaw or Tallin-Vilnius) ? Or can’t I find it because of the weather ? If it is the case, do you think it would be repared before my trip ?
Thank you in advance,