Bought global pass 2nd class no seats available

  • 18 November 2022
  • 4 replies


Bought global pass 2nd class tickets and can not get seats 

23 Dec Stuttgart to Paris and Pais to Boardeux same day direct.

27 December, Bordeaux to Paris direct 

3 December Paris to Frankfurt direct

Will I get seats on the day and pay on the train for a seat. I'm very worried. I paid 670 euro and cant get seats.


Angelo 1 year ago

Hi, it is possible to go with Eurail also from Stuttgart and Paris, but you can’t check availably online. Online possible to order the reservation only via or you can call SNCF Call Center. Here an Tutorial about TGV/ICE service Germany-France: 


To go to Amsterdam from Paris, there are direct Thalys trains. You can book directly from b-europe: check how it works here: Also in this link how you can avoid reservation compulsory trains. 

If you take the train to Amsterdam from Frankfurt, there are direct ICE trains. Reservation is optional and you can reserve directly via


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4 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +9

Please specify the departure times you're like to book.

Userlevel 7
Badge +4

Strasbourg - Paris on 23 Lots of availability.


Paris - Bordeaux, only evening trains with availability left, 19.11 being earliest departure

This is going to be your biggest problem connection, last friday before Christmas out of Paris afternoon/evening will be very busy. Book ASAP.


27 Dec Bordeaux - Paris still lots of availability, some afternoon trains full.



3 Dec Paris - Strasbourg lots of availability. in case  you meant 3 Jan lots of availability that day too


All checked through

I looked at Strasbourg, not Stuttgart or Frankfurt as that site is only for domestic TGV booking, reservation free/ non compulsory connections can be made from Stuttgart - Strasbourg - Frankfurt.

Thank You for your support and guidance

So, you cannot go direct from Stuttgart to Paris on eu rail connections unless thru Frech city like Strasburg?

Can I book directly with SCNF using my eu rail global pass? 

Lastly same if we want to go to Amsterdam. Which is the local train to use with the global pass

kind regards


Userlevel 7
Badge +10

Hi, it is possible to go with Eurail also from Stuttgart and Paris, but you can’t check availably online. Online possible to order the reservation only via or you can call SNCF Call Center. Here an Tutorial about TGV/ICE service Germany-France: 


To go to Amsterdam from Paris, there are direct Thalys trains. You can book directly from b-europe: check how it works here: Also in this link how you can avoid reservation compulsory trains. 

If you take the train to Amsterdam from Frankfurt, there are direct ICE trains. Reservation is optional and you can reserve directly via

