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Reservations Paris - Nice - Rome - Naples can't be booked

I am trying to book a reservation for myself and my 2 daughters with my eurail pass- it says that the reservations are not able to be made on how do I get them?


We are traveling from Paris to Nice, Nice to Rome, and Rome to Naples (and back to Rome)- on different days….

2 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +9

For the Paris to Nice trip, and maybe also Nice to Rome you can call SNCF (the French Railway)

 Press #85 for English, no booking fees, reservations are sent via e-mail.

The trips within Italy can be booked at ÖBB (the Austrian Railway) if it not is a night train.

Here is guide on how to make reservations:


Userlevel 7
Badge +5

From NI onward to IT there is simply as for now NO direct treni: its local=UNreserved till Ventimiglia-or even further, then TrenItlaia-choose. 1st cl in local treni there is just the same as 2nd-maybe anohter color of seats-but mostly not respected at all.
