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I took a ticket for the Rome-Munich route with a change in Bolzano through the Rail Planner App. The Bolzano-Munich train is the EuroCity Brenner 86 which leaves at 12.34 on August 1st. The only problem is that no seats are available on this train. Can I reserve a seat on the EuroCity Brenner at 2.34pm instead even though it says 12.34 on my ticket?

NOte;t hese EC trains do NOT have mandatroy RES-but have s epcial SUPLmt for passholders-10€, the app confuses this with RES. THis is now the 5th time today that we have to expalin that-has it ever crossed your mind that all things from newbees have been asked here dozens of times?

NOte;t hese EC trains do NOT have mandatroy RES-but have s epcial SUPLmt for passholders-10€, the app confuses this with RES. THis is now the 5th time today that we have to expalin that-has it ever crossed your mind that all things from newbees have been asked here dozens of times?

I know this train do have only optional reservation, but in Summer it is highly recommend to buy a reservation. My question was another and I think you should read the questions better before answering.

I took a ticket for the Rome-Munich route with a change in Bolzano through the Rail Planner App. The Bolzano-Munich train is the EuroCity Brenner 86 which leaves at 12.34 on August 1st. The only problem is that no seats are available on this train. Can I reserve a seat on the EuroCity Brenner at 2.34pm instead even though it says 12.34 on my ticket?

Hello! Thank you for your question. Please accept my apology for the late response.

I would say that this is up to you, but of course availability cannot be guaranteed. In case you are adamant you need one, I would suggest making a reservation for the next available train on the timetable. 

I hope this helps!

Kind regards,

