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Hi guys, 

Soon me and my boyfriend are about to book our seat reservations. However today I already looked up a few trains that require a seat reservations, at least the app says so. But visiting the website and also finding the exact same train things changed. Now the website says there are no seat reservations required. What to believe now?

Thank you for your help in advance 

Marie :)

The app is the least trustworthy, since it is only updated once a month or so.

For more information, please post the exact trains: origin, destination, date, departure time.

I will do so when we decided on the specific trains and post it here again. Thank you already :)

Seeing du bist DE-auf etwa ganz EUR geben, gibt es genau-weil je pünktlich DE-infoś-weil die dort sofort meckern falls falsch.

What the app also often confuses are SURcharges on some routes, but which are not REServations.
