@thibcabe Thank you. But, I was indeed trying to get seat reservations for AVE trains in Spain. And, tickets on those routes were indeed available for purchase on the Renfe website. I checked,
After posing this question here, I subsequently found a solution. Hope it will be of some use to others here.
Like I said in my question above, the interrail.eu seat reservations website would frustratingly throw up an error on the page just before the payment page - AFTER I painstakingly put in everyone’s passport info etc.!!
After trying MULTIPLE times with the same result, I came to ask this community for help. Then, I wondered if my location had anything to do with this error. I was booking these reservations from the US. I used a VPN with a Madrid server, and tried again. This time, it worked! Instead of that maddening error, it actually took me to the payment page and I was able to conclude the transaction. For multiple reservations!!
Hope this helps others in a similar situation.