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Seat reservations on website and app

  • 15 April 2022
  • 1 reply

Hi! I search for journeys in June on the phone app and they doesn’t appear. Then when I search them through the app of InterrailEU here on the Internet it allows me to see the timetable and book the seats reservations. Then, as I saw this I bought a seat reservation that only appeared on the website and it doesn’t appear on my online pass through the app. I don’t know what to do, because also in the pass, although it doesn’t appear any reservation, from the 7 days of travel I bought it says that I used one. So, I don’t know if it’s counting or if it’s not valid...

Reservations are separate from the app and do not appear in the app. In addition, reservations can be made in many places and the app can't know you've made a reservation e.g. on a different website or at the ticket office.

If existing trains do not appear in the app, then that just means that the app is out of date. Your pass and reservation will still be valid.

Finally, it's generally not a good idea to use the app to plan, since it doesn't get enough updates to be reliable (only about once a month). National websites and apps are more reliable and up to date; for international planning, the Deutsche Bahn planner or DB Navigator app are a good choice. They have about the same coverage as the rail planner app but have 2 updates/week.
