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Hey there!

I and my friends are planning a vacation in the south of france this summer. We want to use the 1-country-pass to get there and get back home (we live near the french border, so that’s fine). We want to know, if we can use the third travel day to explore the surrounding area. Is that possible? Because we would finish the trip right where we start it.

For example:

Could we travel from Cannes to Nizza and back to Cannes in one day with the ticket?



Sure, no problem. On a travel day, you can use as many trains as you like.

Do NOT use a passday for just that trip-buy a local dayticket (pass Isabella). OR use the bus-ev 15 mins, cost 1€ advance or 1,50 by driver. Takes a little longer though, but a transfer to Nice trams is allowed with it. This pass is valid al the way till Ventimiglia in IT on local TER trains
