My family of 4 (incl 2 teens) are taking the train across borders in Western Europe for the first time in November. So far, a couple of the journeys we’re researching indicate that 1 or 2 train changes are needed.
Some of the routes indicate that we have just 15 mins to change trains at a certain station. These include :
(i) Munich - Lucerne (8 or 12 mins at Zurich)
(ii) Lucerne - Dijon (14 or 16mins at Mulhouse Ville)
Qn 1 : What is a good buffer we should give ourselves to change trains ?
Qn 2 : When encountering such routes, what are the alternatives without prolonging the journey too much ?
Qn 3 : What is the most important thing to do (to keep to our schedule closely) if there is a missed connection using (i) the EURail pass, or (ii) single journey ticket ?
Thank you.