Since October 6th, it is possible to book trains in France for the Christmas period (source: Yet, it seems that I can’t book seat reservations for after December 11th on the Interrail site.
Anybody knows when reservations will be open? Thank you!
Best answer by seewulf
Usually the 60days in advance is they key rule for France. after the 11th December is the anual Europen Timetable change and i don´t know if Eurail have to update their Reservation system by their own or if it´s automatic :) For example German Rail starts to sell Reservation on the 13th October for on the 12th December and afterwards :)
Usually the 60days in advance is they key rule for France. after the 11th December is the anual Europen Timetable change and i don´t know if Eurail have to update their Reservation system by their own or if it´s automatic :) For example German Rail starts to sell Reservation on the 13th October for on the 12th December and afterwards :)
When I tried to book on B Europe, it asked for my pass number and I used the one with 6 capital letters, but it said it was not a valid pass number. Any thoughts?
@tmdess you use a MobilePass :) that havent a valid passcovernumber :/ Passcover Numbers have a Ixxxxxx or Exxxxxx as pass covernumbers :) with the change to the mobile version Eurail wanted to stop the PassCoverNumberSystem (and use your mobilepass code) :/ but on few Carrier like b-europe or SJ you still need them to reserve trains. as workaround you can ask the Customer Support to get a PassCovernumber for you as workaround