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I need to book my reservation for thursday 25 november to travel Lyon-Montpellier but the reservation site says You can't book this connection through our self-service system. Please find an alternative way to book.

What can i do then?

You can book at a train station (best ofcourse a french one :D)

Or try it here (note that here the servicefee is 4€ instead of the 2€ from Eurail)

I need to book my reservation for thursday 25 november to travel Lyon-Montpellier but the reservation site says You can't book this connection through our self-service system. Please find an alternative way to book.

What can i do then?

 If I'm right, did I just reply to your message in another topic of yours?

I need to book my reservation for thursday 25 november to travel Lyon-Montpellier but the reservation site says You can't book this connection through our self-service system. Please find an alternative way to book.

What can i do then?

 If I'm right, did I just reply to your message in another topic of yours?

Hello, yes. I send the question into multiple topics bc i travel very soon and it was urgent
