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I would like to book a sleeper on the trains I mentioned in the title, but I can't figure out how. Can anyone help me?

There is no sleeper Amsterdam - Berlin. You can travel overnight with a change in Duisburg but that is with seats only. Book seats via, using the “Seat only” option.

There is a sleeper train Amsterdam - Vienna. The best place to book is Do NOT use “Seat only” but add the Interrail/Eurail discount and then look for normal tickets.

Same holds for B-Wien (runs kind of detour via Poland-Slovakia, combined with portion to Budapest/HU). DO expect that these NightJets are always late the next morning-at least 1 hr.

The nighttime ICE to and in DE have not mandatory RES-but youre well advised to do that on busy days-easy via and ´seat only´=4,50.
