There's no need to worry, as long as you avoid Ukraine, Belarus and Russia.
In case you bought reservations into Ukraine: they should be reimbursed since AFAIK the night trains into Ukraine are not running anymore.
As the general info also tells-just read- MOBile pases can be used for 11 monthes after purchase: that means the first day of validity has to be activated then. Read conditions on sale how much a possible refund would cost you and if that is worth it to you
From my view the Life is going on as usual. Ofcourse there are yet more refugess arround Europe but we had a similar Situation when not even worse back in 2015. I was 4 days in poland and yes they all knew there is a war at their south eastern border but nobody was really scared. Poland/Baltics/Slovakia/Romania are all Nato Members and it would be be a huge leap for Russia to attack them. (Its currently like a 2nd Coldwar everybody is on alert and starts Propaganda but finally nobody would push the big Red button).
I felt very safe here and was partly just 10km away from the Polish/Ukrainan border :)
I watched some CNN Live reports (The Journalist are in Cities quite far away from the border Krakow/Gdansk/Poznan just one Was in the 1st row in Przemysl was pretty clear yes its a sad Situation in Ukraine but Poland is safe the others are just makeing "Drama" and create horrible stories about troop movements and incidents that should happen how could they knew when they are Live from the "Zone" 200kilometers away from the border 
Thank you for all your opinions/advices!