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today some German speaking media has released that according to Deutsche Bahn (Eurail B.V. shareholder) the Interrail pass is more popular than ever: this year 600,000 tickets have already been sold across Europe. Compared to 2019, the number of tickets sold has almost doubled. The number of Interrail tickets sold in Europe this year has risen to a record of around 600,000. Germany is at the top with 142,000, followed by Switzerland with 94,000 and Great Britain with 63,000.

Here the article of “Tagesschau” (news website of German public broadcaster ARD) in German:

But as DE=Germany has about 12 times the nr of people as the Swiss-this means the Swiss per head buy nearly 8 times as much.

Traditonally per head it were nearly always the Swedes who bought most.

(I myself bought 3, 2 of which in the 50% off sale-1 still to use early next yr.)

As of course many people will have bought passes in the special 50-yr 50% off sale for use later, not all sold will also yet have been used.

Also read about this yesterday.

Are this statistics somewhere open for the public or only for media companies? @Nanja 

Would be also interesting to know how many of these Interrail passes were 50% reduced and how much the revenue increased compared to 2019… the numbers sound of course nice and I think there would have been so or so an increase, but the 50% sale gave this of course a completely different dynamic.

And how are the sold passes counted - if I buy in 2022 a pass for 2023 it is counted for this year or next year?

I bought two passes during the sale and had one more 3 month pass valid from April until July this year ^^ (bought by the end of 2021).

Apart from Interrail Passes, how many Eurailpasses were sold in 2022, or 2023 thus far?

Is there a publicly available breakdown of how many sales annually there are of each type of pass, e.g. Global 1st class Eurailpass one month validity, same for two months and so on?

It would be interesting to know all these statistics.

Given railways are mostly publicly funded, why aren’t these figures easily available for both Interrail and Eurail Passes?


