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Hi, I’m hoping to manage to get to Budapest next week from Istanbul. I’m about to buy the ticket to Bucharest and then will have about 90 minutes and I’ll need to board the sleeper to Budapest (I know, it’s ‘ambitious’).


I’m trying to get to my family by train and need to book the Bucharest-Budapest connection in advance online and it’s pretty expensive. From there I’m hoping to get on the all-day train to Warsaw, but again, who knows if it’s possible with border crossings etc.

Does anyone have experience with Bosphorus Express - does it arrive on time usually? Thanks a million!

I have no personal experience but I've seen warnings. It is going to be tight but maybe doable. Have a plan B in case.

Could you not take a later night train ? There are 3 per day.

Last year it worked for me (and there it was even a more tight connection), but there is no guarantee. Also the direct connection from Budapest to Warsaw leaves before the arrival of the 18.25 Bucuresti to Budapest train. 
So better to take the last connection from Bucuresti and then the nighttrain from Budapest to Warsaw. 
