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Reserva Eurail

  • March 12, 2023
  • 1 reply

Tengo un pase Global Eurail activado por 2 meses y dentro de las fechas necesito viajar de Londres a Brusselas e intentado en varias oportunidades hacer reserva y me dice “Su Pase no es válido en esta fecha"....tengo programado los viajes, con reserva de hoteles y actividades turisticas,  cómo puedo reservar?

1 reply

  • Railmaster
  • 10502 replies
  • March 12, 2023

You can also book Eurostar here:

You'll need to generate a pass cover number to be able to book there:

But because Eurail's booking website says that your pass is not valid for the travel date chosen, you should check in My Pass what the validity period is there.

In addition, it's actually better to cancel the activation of your pass and only to activate it on the first travel day. You can only cancel activation until 23:59 before validity starts, so if something unexpected happens on your planned start day, it will be too late to cancel. You don't need to activate the pass to make reservations.
