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Activation moment on first day of travel, mobile pass

  • 31 May 2022
  • 4 replies

Hey fellows,


one last question from the newb: Do I have to active the pass the day prior to me starting the journey (meaning within the next 3 hours) or can I active it tomorrow morning as well and then start the travel on the same day (june 1st).

Asking as I want to check one last time tomorrow morning if the trains will really be in operation tomorrow as to not lose a travel day should I have to postpone due to strikes or whatever.


Thanks =)

4 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +9

You can wait until the last moment if you want.

You can also test now to check if it works and then undo the activation (before midnight).



You can also test now to check if it works and then undo the activation (before midnight).


I did that a few days ago and it worked. deactivated again thereafter.


So I’ll activate it tomorrow morning then and hop on the train 1 hour late, will work? :) thanks again.


You can wait until the last moment if you want.

You can also test now to check if it works and then undo the activation (before midnight).

This follow up question is probably redundant  but:


Is this true for every travel day? My journey would continued tomorrow, ok to activate just before boarding?


I ask since the app sent a notification that I have a travel day tomorrow and should add journeys, but I did not even activate the 2nd travel day.


See the screenshot please. 






Thanks =)

Userlevel 7
Badge +9

Is this true for every travel day? My journey would continued tomorrow, ok to activate just before boarding?

Sure, no problem at all. I do that all the time. Just keep in mind you need an internet connection to activate a travel day.
