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I have two Eurail passes (5 days in a month) - one for my husband and one for myself. I had set them up with a Trip name and had used the Rail Planner app to select all of the train journeys we want to take. Some of the journeys required a Reservation and I had arranged all of those, one directly with Eurail and several with the rail companies. The UK Rail companies had helped me select connections and had allocated seats for no charge. HOWEVER, I have just changed to a new phone and while all of my apps came down successfully “from the cloud”, all of the detail on my Rail Planner has gone! 

Of course I have not lost my Eurrail passes and I have started the process of manually adding them to the Rail Planner app but when it comes to the point of the app asking me to “create a name for a Trip”, I can’t understand where my original Trip has gone with all of the train journeys saved on it. 

I may be able to add the train journeys but I now cannot remember exactly which changes in the journeys  I was advised to make and where seats were allocated for us without charge. I’m hoping someone wile able to assist me to located all of the information which I had saved into the Rail Planner. If I make up a new name for my Trip, will the information magically appear or will that be a fatal mistake (I can’t recall exactly what I called my Trip last time, if that matters). It hadn’t occurred to me to copy every trip in the Rail Planner before I changed phones because all other data in other apps has come down from the cloud without hassle as soon as I log into the account associated with it.

Any information would be helpful. We fly out of Australia for England in less than one week.



Does your husband have the rail planner app on his phone, on your trip details under “My Trip” tab on his phone? That way it’s easily sharable.

Otherwise, I also noticed this when changing phones recently. My nice travel history disappeared and I didn’t get it back for now. Maybe  @Eurail Community Moderator can give us a good answer on this, since it’s probably a technical issue or is it just saved locally and not on the cloud?

No, I have the Rail Planner app and both Eurail passes on my phone. I’m not having any trouble with getting the passes back onto my new phone. The stress is that all of the journeys that I had saved on the Rail Planner App under My Trip folder have disappeared and I’m being asked to set up a new Trip name and start all over again.


I’m puzzled (and stressed as to why my saved journeys didn’t come down from the cloud when I changed to my new phone. All other apps with their data came down from the cloud but the Eurail Rail Planner App arrived with none of the entries I had saved on it.

I’m just wondering if there is something I have to do to find it and download it. 

I usually don’t use the rail planner app to plan, I usually put them in a spreadsheet based on information from the rail companies themselves or .

On my travel days I log my trains just before boarding them actually, although I can Imagine this is a bit stressy when you’re not super used to take trains, but it’s a quite smooth process.

The rail planner app cannot be a bit slow in updates, meaning there’s sometimes a difference of a couple of minutes. In doubt, always trust the information issued by the railway companies themselves.

Although improved, the rail planner app is not yet that to plan train journeys. Best is to use the respective rail planners of the operators and write it down elsewhere. But very annoying for you that you last your planning...


Thank you for your answers, BrendanDB. Good advice and I did go through the rail companies to ensure I had the updated timetable and actually reserved seats on a few trains. I have the information stored separately but I did it all a while ago and now it’s getting close to departure and I was hoping to have it all there downloaded from the cloud.


I have now received a response from Eurail and they say that it’s not possible to transfer the Rail Planner information across to a new phone. With so many things being cloud based, it's surprising that it’s not possible and perhaps it is an improvement they might work on at Eurail to help in the future. 

I haven’t activated my passes yet because I’m nervous that it might start counting off my 5 days in a month. I’ll have to review the FAQ before I do anything! 
