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I’ve got a pass that is valid until 3rd July.  The app and web portal both confirm this.  Yet when I try to book any train, even a local one that doesn’t require a reservation, the site tells me my ‘pass is not valid on that date.’  (I booked my first reservations without problems.) 

It seems there is no longer any customer support.  How am I suppose to get home?

Same problem here (but with the ferries), the (ferry) companies can’t do anything without a change from interrail, who don’t answer to emails and do not have a phone number contact...

Same problem here (but with the ferries), the (ferry) companies can’t do anything without a change from interrail, who don’t answer to emails and do not have a phone number contact...

Did you use the contact form and mention your travel date? Saying your request is urgent does not help.

Yes I have, I have managed to make things work by cancelling all the travels I had booked and start over again. Still no answer from interrail though
