Some questions about generating the ticket . I have added my journeys to the app. I understand I need to toggle the slider to the right of the journey when the time comes to create a ticket. I won’t do this until nearer the time of my journey as it is advised that if things change at the last minute the travel day would be lost. This does make me a little nervous, as I would rather have my tickets all ready in advance of travel especially as it is a Eurostar train early morning on which expensive seat reservations are booked, and I don’t want to miss it if there are any problems with the app that I’ve never used before. In this case, when do you recommend I create the ticket?
As this is the first day of my travels I will be a leaving my home country. If for some reason i had to change my travel plans and travel a day later, but I had created tickets in advance, would the in/out day be lost or is is just a travel day that is lost? (As I won’t be using all 4 of my travel days, it would not matter if did lose a day, however I don’t want to lose an in/out day as that would mean i’d have to pay full ticket price on the Eurostar to go or leave the UK- far from desirable given the huge amount I’ve already spent on tickets and reservations)
If I have a couple of journeys on the same day, does each journey have a separate ticket created? This means I have to toggle the dial for each journey separately? Should I do these all at the same time before my first train? OR is only one ticket created for all journeys I am taking that day- so i’d have one QR code for all journeys that day?
If i have planned to take a train and added a journey and created a ticket for that train, but then find that I have enough time to take an earlier connection, can I just create a new ticket for the earlier train? (in essence, if I want to take a different train but have already created a ticket for another one, how do i change it)?
(I guess the answer here will in part depend on the answer to the previous question about if there is a ticket for each journey or a single ticket covering all connections). I’m hoping there is a separate ticket for each journey that way, i could get an earlier train if I wanted to.) If it is one single QR code, can I add another journey later?
For example I will arrive back into London on the eurostar and wish to get straight onto an Edinburgh train. I have a booked seat on the LNER 6.30 train but I might make it on the 5.30. So, can i just create a ticket on the spot and get on the 5.30?
I hope these questions make some sense! Many thanks from a nervous traveller.