Refund of MobilePass, start day and two traveling days are wrongly registered at a trip that does not exist
I wanna make a refund on two MobilePass.
Before I bought the MobilePass I searched in the Train Planner App to make sure the trip I wanted to go, to a specific location and at a specific time actually existed, and it did.
So, after this was confirmed I went to Train Planets webb and bought two MobilePass, one for me and one for my daughter.
I then connected my MobilePass to Train Planner and with the trip I had saved in My Trips.
A start date was created the 12/6, the same day as my first trip, and 2/4 days was showen as registered as used in my MobilePass, in the Train Planner App.
When I was going to do the same in my daughters app the trip did no longer exist. No, it was not fully book, the trip did not exist. This was confirmd by the support at DSB in Copenhangen trainstation who searched for the specific trip without finding it.
I have a DSB signed/stamped paper that confirms that this is what happend.
Here we are with two MobilePass with start date 12/6, in one pass 2/4 trips are registered as used and in the other one ¼ trips are registered as used allthough we have not made any trip so far since the train that is registered did not exist and it was impossible to book any reservations.
Of course I want a to do a refund but Rail Planet tells me its not their responsebility and link me to go here.
Please help, its a lot of money for a single mom.
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If your daughter's app is on a different phone, then you need to recreate the trip there and add the journeys to it. Did the activation of your daughter's pass work? In that case, there should be a trip linked to her pass that can be used to add the individual journeys to.
In addition, a pass does not need to be activated to be able to make reservations (although here it should have been activated if I understand correctly), nor do you need to add any journeys to My Trip to be able to make reservations. Reservations can be made in lots of places: Interrail website, operators’ websites, by phone, at ticket offices etc.
I think that it will be difficult to get a refund as it is your responsibility to not activate the pass until you are absolutely sure that you will use it on the start date. The normal rule is that only deactivated passes are refunded.
I am also almost 100% sure that Interrail only refunds passes bought througt Interrail.
To get in contact with Customer Support you need to use this form.
Customer Support is currently overloaded with requests so you will have to be patient to get help from them. As I understand it you will not be travelling and that gives your request low priority with Customer Support.
Hi, thanks for helping out. I forgot to explain in my post that I went to DBS at Copenhagen Central Station. I showed the trip that was registered in my Train Planner App to the lady in the customer support, the trip that I found BEFORE I had bought my pass and connected the MobilePass to the train Planner App, and that had generated a start date 12/6 and registered 2/4 trips as now used.
She search for the exact trip that she could se in my Tran Planner App but could not find it.
“It does not exist” she said.
So I took a piece of paper and wrote down what just had happened and asked her to sign as a verification, she stamped it with DSB stamp that includes the date.
I still have the trip linked to my MobilePass in my Train Planner App. The strange thing is that my daughter has no trip linked but it says ¼ days are used in her MobilePass and Train Planner App, and she also has the same start date12/6 as I do. This date I entered it directly after I had done the procedure searching the trip in my Train Planner App, adding the trip to “My Trips” and then bought the MobilePass at the web. Got the confirmation mail and registration number to put in the Train Planner App to connect the Mobile Pass and then added the trip.
This was done in a time space of 3-4 minutes.
So, even if the trip did not show up in my daughters Train Planner App and I wanted to go on the registered alone, it was not possible to book the seats needed since there there was no trip to find. Also DSB could not find the trip.
Friendly regards
It's a bit difficult to follow what happened. Maybe there's a bug at play here. But to be able to determine that, could you please describe step by step what happened?
(Note: keep in mind that in the app's terminology, there is only one trip connected with a pass. In this trip, all journeys are saved that you do during the validity of that pass. So there's only one trip for one pass. One trip can contain multiple journeys. One journey can contain multiple trains.)
What operating systems do your phones have? Android or iOS? Which OS version?
Which app versions do you and your daughter have installed? (See under More, scroll to the bottom.)
a. Did the activation of your daughter's pass work? b. Is the pass listed under My Pass? c. Does it have a trip linked to it (should be displayed below the type of pass)? d. Does it show a validity period?
Could you please post a screenshot of your daughter's My Pass (best to erase name and pass reference)?
What happened when your daughter looked for a journey in the planner? Did the correct train turn up?
What happened when your daughter then tapped on "Save journey”? Could she select the trip that was connected with her pass (see question 3)?
What happened when your daughter then tapped on "Save to Trips”? Was the journey saved into the trip?
I'll stop here for now :)
Thanks again for helping out. I realize i used the wrong name of the App in earlier posts, the app i was instructed to use and also have been using is the Rail Planner App.
I will try to explain as clearly as possible :)
What operating systems do your phones have? Android or iOS? Which OS version?
Me: I have iOS 11 Pro Max version 15.5 My daughter: I have to get back to you about my daughters, she just went out.
Which app versions do you and your daughter have installed? (See under More, scroll to the bottom.)
I do not really get where I should go to “more”. In the App in the phone? Can´t find any “more” there unfortunately.
a. Did the activation of your daughter's pass work
I think so but would like to dubble check, confirm when she´s back home.
b. Is the pass listed under My Pass?
On top of the screen:
Kristinas Pass
All aboard, Kristina! ---------------------------------------------------------- Interrail Gobal Pass Flexi Pass: 4 days within 1 month (Link icon) My Trip --------------------------------------------------------- Name Kristina Xxxx Pass reference Pass type xxxxxx 1st class Adult ---------------------------------------------------------- Validity period 12 Jun - 11 Jul 2022 Travel days Outbound/Inbound 2/4 0/2 used
12 3 4
c. Does it have a trip linked to it (should be displayed below the type of pass)?
Yes (se above)
d. Does it show a validity period?
Yes (se above)
Could you please post a screenshot of your daughter's My Pass (best to erase name and pass reference)?
I post a screenshot from my phone/App to start with and add my daughters when she is back
What happened when your daughter looked for a journey in the planner? Did the correct train turn up?
I downloaded the Rail Planner App for her and registered the MobilePass, and then the rout and trains that I had added to My Trip in my Rail Planner just a minute or two earlier was no longer there. The route was and still is linked to my MobilePass, in My Trip but did not show up in her iPhone and Rail Planner App.
What happened when your daughter then tapped on "Save journey”? Could she select the trip that was connected with her pass (see question 3)?
The trip did not show up and then we decided to go to Copenhagen centralstation and talk to DSB.
The lady in the customer support at DSB could not find the trip.
She stamped a note I wrote by hand in the counter confirming the situation. (I attach it with the other screenshots)
What happened when your daughter then tapped on "Save to Trips”? Was the journey saved into the trip?
I'll stop here for now :)
Thankyou! :)
I'm keeping my own numbering:
2. You can find "More" at the bottom right after staring the rail planner app. For 3.a.b.c.d. and 4. I'd be interested in your daughter's data :) 5. Do you mean you could not find the train(s) in the planner? Or something else? 6. This makes me very curious about the activation status of your daughter's pass and about her screenshot.
I'm keeping my own numbering:
2. You can find "More" at the bottom right after staring the rail planner app.
Found it: Version 23.3.0
For 3.a.b.c.d. and 4. I'd be interested in your daughter's data :)
You will get it :) and in the meantime I hope we come to some understanding of what is going on in my app.
5. Do you mean you could not find the train(s) in the planner? Or something else?
It is exactly as I´ve described. I have a rout booked, confirmed, days are registered as used in my MobilePass and in Rail Planner. The DSB customer support lady could not find the trip.
6. This makes me very curious about the activation status of your daughter's pass and about her screenshot.
You will get it. Why though? The most weird is my app, but I assure you, you will get the screenshots from her App which will show exactly what I´ve described here. I call her and ask her to take the screen shots and sms me.
Here is the note that I wrote quickly at the DSB support desk and the lady at DSB put a stamp on.
I thought the problem was in your daughter's pass. But anyway...
Thanks for the scan of the note. In any case, your app screenshots look completely normal so far, from a functional point of view. But I am wondering what train that is at 3:33 from Mannheim. Could you please open the journey Mannheim - Nice and make a screenshot of the trains in it?
You write “your app screenshots look completely normal so far, from a functional point”. I hope you understand what happened here, its not the booking in my MobilePass thats gone wronge its the fact that the train did not exist when I
Was about to book it in my daughters app
When asked the lady in the DSB Support att the Copenhagen Trainstation. This journy that has been registered both in my MobilePass and Rail Planner with the conseques that 2/4 days is gone with the wind and a start day set at 12 with out wanting it to be that day since the train did not exist.
I showed this exact trip to the lady in DSB customer support center and she search this exact rout and these exact trains, and she could´nt find it. She said it did not exist. Just I had just experienced the same when trying to connect the trip in my daughters app
Here are all the screenshots of the trains followed by screenshots from my daughters Appel
Copenhagen Fredricia in detail
Fredricia - Hamburg in detail
OK, I think I see now what happened. You planned a journey in the app but in reality the timetable had changed and the changed timetable was not yet in your app but maybe already in your daughter's app and certainly in the DSB planner at the time you were at the ticket office. The train leaving Mannheim at 3:33 is the night IC Amsterdam - Zurich but it did not call at Mannheim on 13 June, probably because of engineering works. The timetable of ICE 775 had also changed but not that much.
At the same time, you had already activated your pass and 2 travel days.
The sad thing is: this journey was probably quite possible, but you'd have had to change at another station, e.g. in Frankfurt or Karlsruhe. I quickly checked the other trains in the DB planner and they are all listed (although you're never quite sure what happens in the planners afterwards).
Also sad is that DSB did not think a bit further… e.g. request a journey Hamburg - Zurich to see what options would turn up (the DB planner then indeed suggests to change in Frankfurt). In any case, the DSB lady did document that she was unable to find your journey.
I always knew something like this would happen. The rail panner app is not reliable enough to plan. I say and write it all the time but that's because I know.
As far as I can see however, Interrail does not warn at all that the planner in the app can be really out of date. They even encourage travellers to plan everything in the app, even if you plan in advance. Experienced travellers know that this is a very bad idea because the app is not updated often enough (not even nearly enough: only about once per month). Especially if you plan in advance, there may later be timetable changes that you're unaware of (and that may have already been included in the operator's timetable while you were planning in the rail planner app).
I'd say: create a request for customer service. I doubt if they'll give you back your money but what might be possible is to give you back the lost travel days. Or maybe they'll give you a refund and cancel the old passes, when you buy new passes first.
Ok. Thankyou. The thing is, as I said I think several times, the trip did NOT show up in my daughters Rail Planner App just minutes after I had booked mine. And the DSB customer service lady search so long my daughter got embarrassed. We were probably at the counter for 30 minutes.
This is not good. I´ve spend a lot of money due to this and lost days of my vacation and also lost the stay in Nice that was already booked. There must be a way to compensate me when something like this happens. You now have everything in screen shots and it is clear I´ve followed all the instructions.
What happens now?
What happens now?
Have you contacted customer service? Possibly to say their app misled you and ruined your holiday?
Ok. Thankyou. The thing is, as I said I think several times, the trip did NOT show up in my daughters Rail Planner App just minutes after I had booked mine.
That is possibly because your daughter had another app version, with another status of the included timetable, which is offline.
how do I contact customer service?
how do I contact customer service?
Please see AnnaB's first response, almost at the top.
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