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Which ferries can you use with a continuous global pas

  • 11 May 2022
  • 3 replies

Which ferries can you use with a continuous global pass, including any cross channel? Cheers 

3 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +15


All ferries that offer discount or are for Free. 


Thanks mate

Userlevel 7
Badge +5

If its ONLY discount-then you do not need to use travelday (if you hold such a pass). Most of such ferries will offer discounts to any ju/senior. There are in fact even more as stated on the list-and others that are stated are reported to not offer it anymore. ALWAYS book on the site of the ferry concerend for that-not via the dozens of general ferrybooking-sites.

IF its ´free’you will still have to pay for various taxes (f.e. from It to GR quoted as at least 32€) and also use a travelday. A cheapo advance ticket might then be well, uh, cheaper!

Due to current very high diesel prices most ferries add a fuel-surcharge.
