Evening all.
I hope you are all well.
I would like some advice and tips about using the global pass (specifically 3 month pass) for our travels around Europe.
I have looked at various videos and reviews on YouTube regarding this way of travelling and most positive although, there are some that are negative and they do highlight some important issues.
One guy was saying about reliability and frequency of trains in eastern Europe? can anyone confirm if this is the case please? Also apparently the train station names do not match with what is on the app so it can be a tad confusing according to the reviewers.
Can someone who has travelled recently using the Interrail pass please advise on anything you think we should be aware of? We want to try plan in advanced as much as possible and to start our trip early-,mid next year and would appreciate all feedback, tips and advice.
We understand that we have to make reservations in certain countries. Could someone please tell us what countries these are and how much you paid per person please?
Is there an option to take other trains without reservations? Also according to some bloggers on YouTube Interrail have a contract with one train provider and not multiple therefore, rendering the pass useless in some countries even though on their website it states it covers that said country, is this true?
I welcome all and any feedback and advice.
Thanks in advanced