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Trip planning

  • April 17, 2022
  • 1 reply


Hi, I’m thinking of travelling to Europe and just had a few questions:


1) If I buy a ticket from Paris to Zurich, would I be able to get off the train and explore on the stops along the way with the ticket I have, or would I have to get a separate ticket to get back on the route

2) Would you recommend getting a travel pass or separate train tickets to travel from Paris, to Lucerne, to Montreux, to Milan, to Venice, to Florence to Rome. I am planning to stay in each city for 2-3 days. 
3) Would you recommend taking a flight or the train for travelling between the destinations I mentioned

Thank you in advance for your help!

1 reply

  • Full steam ahead
  • 3893 replies
  • April 18, 2022

There are actually very few stops on this train.

INside CH=Swiss you do NOT need REServations and trains run ev 30 mins-till Basel.

INside FR-assuming you use the superfast TGV trains : these all need a mandatory REServation, which cost IN FR 10 or 20€ but much more for overtheborder trips.

After Basel the stops are usually MUlhouse and Dijon, and perhaps/depends on train 1 or 2 in between in minor towns.

On a chosen passday you CAN use as many trains-from companies that accept the pass-as you like/can manage, but you MUST thus also take in account any mandatory REServations. On local trains this is usually not even possible, thus these can use at will.

F.e.: if you instead did Zürich to Mannheim in DE=Germany you could choose the route and make as many stops in pretty nice towns in the Black Forest or the Badener Hills or city Stuttgart without any extra to pay. And stand in the highly unlikely case the train is so full that all seats are taken
